Don’t Throw It to Mo!

Mo loves to play football, but he rarely gets to play on his team because he’s small. One day, the coach figures out a surprise plan involving Mo. And Mo catches the winning pass for his team!

Discuss the Book

A Big, Big Love
Pages 1–7

  • Important Moment: Mo loves playing football.
  • Ask and Share: What’s something that you love to do as much as Mo loves football? Why do you love it so much? What does it bring to your life?

From the Bench
Pages 8–11

  • Important Moment: Mo is on a football team but rarely gets to play because he’s younger than the other players.
  • Ask and Share: Have you ever felt like someone wouldn’t let you try something because you were too young? How do you think Mo feels?

Game Time
Pages 12–19

  • Important Moment: The coach finally puts Mo in the game but tells the team not to throw the ball to him.
  • Ask and Share: Why do you think the coach told the team to not throw to Mo? How does it make Mo feel? How would it make you feel?

The Winning Catch
Pages 20–32

  • Important Moment: The coach says to throw the ball to Mo on the final play. No one expects Mo to catch it, but he does and wins the game. 
  • Ask and Share: How do you think Mo felt when he caught the ball? What would’ve happened if he gave up on football at the beginning of the game? Describe a time you worked hard at something and didn’t give up, even if it was difficult.