The Girl With a Mind for Math

In this biography, Raye Montague wants to become an engineer. Other people don’t believe she can do it, but she is determined. She not only becomes an engineer but invents a much faster way to design ships using math and computers!

Discuss the Book

A Dream Begins
Pages 1–9

  • Important Moment: Young Raye wants to become an engineer, but other people laugh and tell her that she can’t.
  • Ask and Share: How do you think Raye felt when people said she could not achieve her dream? Have you ever felt that way?

Hard Work
Pages 10–19

  • Important Moment: Raye faces obstacles in her life as she tries to pursue her dream. At the Navy, she watches the engineers work to learn more about engineering. When the engineers are out sick, she does their work from memory and gets promoted!
  • Ask and Share: One of the ways Raye learns is by observing, or watching. What could you learn by observing? Who or what would you like to observe?

Raye Makes It
Pages 20–29

  • Important Moment: Raye studies hard, works hard, keeps her cool, gives her best, and makes many math calculations. She figures out how to design a ship using a computer, a first! Then she is put in charge of designing ships.
  • Ask and Share: What traits do you think helped Raye be successful as an engineer? What are the qualities that have been most helpful for you in your life? If you could design something, what would it be?

Wise Words
Pages 30–33

  • Important Moment: Raye is described as battling hard times with laughs and not tears. She accomplishes her dream and even becomes famous.
  • Ask and Share: Why do you think it helped Raye to battle “the hard times with laughs and not tears”? Can you think of a situation when that would help you?