Where's Rodney?

Rodney has trouble focusing in class because he would much rather spend time outside. When his class takes a field trip to a park, he is able to enjoy the majesty of nature.

Discuss the Book

Wishing for Elsewhere
Pages 1–8

  • Important Moment: Rodney acts out in class when he does not know the answer to a question.
  • Ask and Share: Why do you think Rodney acts silly in front of his classmates? How do you act if you are not sure of an answer in class?

A Faraway Trip
Pages 9–16

  • Important Moment: Everyone is excited for a trip to the park but Rodney, who thinks their destination is the tiny, disappointing park nearby. But this park turns out to be a big, beautiful nature space!
  • Ask and Share: Why does Rodney expect the trip to the park will be a disappointment? Can you think of a time when you thought a new experience wouldn’t be that great, but it worked out better than you expected?

Big and Small
Pages 17–23

  • Important Moment: The class explores the scenic cliffs and trees. When Rodney compares himself to an anthill, he feels big. Next to a giant tree, he feels small. Other things in the park make him feel loud or quiet, fast or slow.
  • Ask and Share: How does Rodney see himself in different ways through his new experiences at the park? Think about a place that’s special to you. How do you see yourself (or feel) there?

Majestic Outdoors
Pages 24–30

  • Important Moment: Rodney tells his teacher he thought the park was majestic (grand and beautiful).
  • Ask and Share: Have you ever been somewhere majestic (outdoors or indoors)? What made it so majestic for you?