The Total Eclipse of Nestor Lopez

Nestor has a secret: He can talk to animals. After moving again, Nestor discovers that a shape-shifting witch called the tule vieja is responsible for a series of mysterious animal disappearances. After Nestor, his new friends, and the forest animals band together to defeat the tule vieja, Nestor feels a lot more at home.

Discuss the Book

On the Move
Chapters 1–6

  • Important Moment: Nestor’s dad is in the army, so the family moves around a lot. Nestor doesn’t like having to start over so often, but his new friends envy him. Maria Carmen would love to travel, and Talib is jealous that Nestor has seen the ocean.
  • Ask and Share: Why do Maria Carmen and Talib think moving a lot is good? What might they not be considering? Is there something in your life that has pros and cons (good and bad)?

The Mystery in the Woods
Chapters 7–13

  • Important Moment: Val the coyote tells Nestor that the witch in the woods can take the shape of a wolverine! She’s trying to bite Val so she can take on his sharp hearing, smell, and sight.
  • Ask and Share: What do we learn about the witch from Val the coyote? If you could have animal powers, which animal and qualities would you choose? Why?

Positively Frustrating
Chapters 14–20

  • Important Moment: Nestor’s mom wants him to ABP and ABH (always be positive and happy), but it’s frustrating when staying positive means he can’t express his feelings in his letter to his dad.
  • Ask and Share: Why is it difficult for Nestor to share his feelings with his dad? Do you think it’s good to be happy and positive all the time? Why or why not?

Happily Surprised
Chapters 21–26

  • Important Moment: Nestor says he stopped counting the days in his new town because they’ve been busy battling the witch, but Talib thinks it’s because he’s enjoying his new friends’ company.
  • Ask and Share: Why do you think Nestor stopped tracking the number of days he’s been in New Haven? Have you ever had an experience turn out better than you expected? What happened? What changed your expectations?