I’m Happy-Sad Today

Big feelings can be tough enough, let alone feeling two at the same time! Maybe you’re feeling happy-sad? Or nervous-excited! Or scared-brave? It’s A-OK to feel that way!

Discuss the Book

More Than One Kind of Happy
Pages 1–5

  • Important Moment: The character feels different kinds of happy—a noisy, fun-happy and a calm, quiet-happy.
  • Ask and Share: The character felt happy running and laughing with her friends but also reading a book in the chair with her cat. What is the difference between her happies? What’s something that makes you feel “noisy, giggly, jump and run” happy? What’s something that makes you feel the cozy-quiet kind of happy?

First Day Jitters
Pages 6–7

  • Important Moment: When the character starts school in a new classroom, she feels scared and brave at the same time.
  • Ask and Share: How is the character feeling on her first day at school? How does the picture show that? Can you think of a time you felt scared and brave at the same time?

Talk It Out
Pages 16–23

  • Important Moment: The character says that when you’re feeling big or confusing feelings sometimes it helps to tell a grown-up, talk to someone you trust, or spend time with another person.
  • Ask and Share: What can you do if you’re feeling big or confusing feelings? Who can you talk to or spend time with when you want to feel better?

Two Feelings at Once
Pages 24–29

  • Important Moment: The character makes up her own feelings words. For example, she says being sad and mad at the same time is smad.
  • Ask and Share: What does it mean to be smad? What do you think some of the new words in the picture mean, like happcited and scited? What other feelings could we join together to make a new word?