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Read and Succeed

Use these tools to build in more reading fun at home.

  • Getting Started
  • Self-Awareness
  • Challenges and Solutions
  • Exploring With STEM
  • Family Reading Tips

Family Reading Time

Watch the video for tips on supporting your young reader!

Take the Family Quiz

Take the quiz and get tips personalized for your life!

Family Book Talk

Use the Ask and Share questions to discuss these books with your child.


 Catalina Incognito

When Catalina’s new magical sewing kit that turns clothing into disguises, her inability to sew frustrates her. But then she learns the value of patience and practice.

Meet Me on Mercer Street

When Kacie comes back from vacation and discovers her neighborhood is changing, she uses her art to process what’s happening and bring the community together.

Bobby the Brave (Sometimes)

Sometimes Bobby struggles with living in the shadow of his father. After his father jumps onstage to help during the school musical, Bobby finally—bravely—shares his feelings.

A Whole New Ballgame

When Rip and Red—who is on the autism spectrum—get a new basketball coach, they’re thrown off their game. But their strong friendship helps keep them steady.

Mango Delight

When Mango’s star is rising, the rich and popular Hailey suddenly wants to be friends. Mango fakes friendship just to help Dad start a business, but then it feels wrong.

Family Book Talk

Use the Ask and Share questions to discuss these books with your child.

Challenges and Solutions

Comeback Catcher

When it’s Eddie’s turn to bat, his nerves get the best of him. Now he must face his fear—with some help from his friends.

The Year of the Dog

Celebrate the Chinese Year of the Dog with Pacy—a year for friendship, family, and self-discovery. Pacy searches for her talents, faces setbacks, and gains a new best friend.

A Soft Place to Land

In her new apartment, Joy meets Nora, who introduces her to a secret hideout. As Joy adjusts to the move, she explores new friendships and family dynamics.

The Total Eclipse of Nestor Lopez

Nestor discovers that a witch is responsible for a series of animal disappearances. After Nestor and friends band together to defeat the witch, Nestor feels a lot more at home.

Not If I Can Help It

Willa is afraid to share her sensory processing disorder with Ruby, but it turns out Ruby has a private side too—an anxiety disorder. The soon-to-be stepsisters bond.

Family Book Talk

Use the Ask and Share questions to discuss these books with your child.

Exploring With STEM

Farmer Will Allen and the Growing Table

With imagination and problem-solving, can former basketballer turned farmer Will Allen bring his dream of an abundant garden in an abandoned city lot to life?

Starstruck: The Cosmic Journey of Neil deGrasse Tyson

As a child, Neil visits the planetarium, launching his love for space. As he grows, so does his knowledge and reputation and he inspires others to explore the universe!

Race the Wild: Savanna Showdown

As a competitor on The Wild Life, Mari feels pressure to keep up with the stronger racers. What will it take to help her team win?

Luz Makes a Splash

Luz and Anika discover that a weeks’ long drought has put their entire community in jeopardy! Can they take action to help their neighborhood and its ecosystems?

Song for a Whale

When Iris discovers Blue 55, a whale unable to communicate with other whales, she’s determined to invent a way to “sing” to him—to help him feel less alone.

Family Reading Tips

Here are some easy, powerful ways to support your child with their reading!

Ask Questions About the Book

  • Start conversations by asking open-ended questions rather than questions that have yes or no answers.
    • Ask, “How would you feel if you were the main character in this situation, and why?”
    • Take turns sharing your thoughts and ideas, too.
  • It is important for readers to visualize what they are reading.
    • While reading, ask your child to close their eyes and imagine what is happening.
    • Ask them to describe what they “see.” After reading, invite your child to draw what they saw!
  • Children should be able to give examples from the book to answer a question or to explain an opinion. As you read together:
    • Ask your child to describe what a particular character is like. 
    • Then, ask them to point to specific examples in the book.

Build Skills at Home

  • Make books easy to reach and reread at home. Rereading books:
    • helps children to understand a book more deeply
    • increases vocabulary, and
    • adds comfort and ease to reading.
  • Try to build in 20 minutes of reading with your child each day. Find a comfy spot, and enjoy this time together!
  • Encourage your child to bring along a book anytime! Short moments between running errands or traveling from place to place can add up to a lot of reading.

Encourage and Connect

  • When children can see themselves in a story, they connect more deeply to it.
    • Look for positive qualities (like bravery and teamwork) while reading or discussing books with your child.
    • Remind them of times where they—or you—showed the same qualities.
  • When your child is reading:
    • Ask questions about their book so they know you are interested.
    • Celebrate their efforts! Offer a quick high five or join them in a celebratory dance at the end of a book.
  • When reading is challenging for your child:
    • Share your own struggles. Talk about a time when you faced challenges.
    • Let them know that mistakes are okay, and that this is how we learn.
    • Build their confidence by talking about what they have already learned.
    • Offer a trip to the library to find books that interest them

Reading Milestones

  • If you want more information on how to support your child as a reader, reach out to their teacher. You can ask:
    • Is my child reading on grade level?
    • What books would be a good fit for my child?
    • Is there anything specific we should be working on at home?
  • When fifth-grade readers can read longer stories fluently (correctly, quickly, and with expression), they are able to give more concentration to understanding what they read. Have your child read aloud to you. This encourages them to practice these skills while also showing you their progress.